Farm Hand

  • Bone Meal-1Kg
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Bone Meal-1Kg

Weight : 1kg



Product Description

Bone meal is an organic fertilizer made of animal bones that is rich in phosphorus and calcium content. It is a finely grounded and excellent nutrient supplement of phosphorus (primary nutrient for plants) that improves the shoot and root growth of the plants which helps in better production. FarmHand Bone Meal is perfectly steamed to ease the release of nutrients and increase their availability to plants.

Dosage: Basal application: 1-1.5 tablespoons per pot or 40-45 gm per sq. ft. Apply bone meal every 2-3 months according to their growing season. Do not use bone meal more than twice in the growing period of plants (especially seasonal vegetables and flowers).

DIRECTIONS TO USE: Loosen the topsoil to a depth of 1 inch around the plant and apply 1 tablespoon of bone meal evenly. Now mix the soil and fertilizer slightly. Water the media properly. Application tips: Use gloves and a mask if you are allergic to fertilizers Can be added to potting mix, potted plants, and garden planted plants as well. Make sure, you are applying the bone meal a little away from the base of plants. Avoid direct contact of the product to the stems. Storing tips: Store in a cool and dry place. Keep it away from children and pets. Consult physician immediately if ingested or noticed any irritations when it comes to contact with skin.

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